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Glocalities Flash Reports

01 October 2014
With our unique trend and values segmentation study we provide companies with unique knowledge of what drives people and gets them moving around the globe. In short, we offer our clients a fact-based navigation system for the future. 
To demonstrate the insights we deliver, we have published Flash Reports on different subjects. These Flash Reports show our in depth knowledge of target groups, generations, trends and cultural differences.


Download the next Flash Reports at

  • The global rich survey: divide between social and self-oriented rich
  • Cutting edgers around the globe
  • A Nike case study
  • Aligning with beauty brands shoppers around the globe
  • Riding the next wave of Globalisation - Five challenges multinationals face in developing markets
  • The disruptive mindset of millenials around the globe. Five values segments that will shape and change the world
  • The different faces of sustainability in China, USA and Europe. The hidden potential for a breakthrough in China
  • European Parliamentary Elections. The staying power of the Eurosceptic voter rebellion
  • China & Europe. The tiger awakens: blending cultural ingredients for growth


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Flash Report: The global rich survey: divide between social and self-oriented rich

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Towards 2030 without poverty

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Flash Report: China & Europe

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24 October 2014

Growing despair and polarization between young women & men impacts elections

Martijn Lampert
15 April 2024
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