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We spend most of our time working. So how come not everybody is in the right place? Employees are leaving your business? How come people are tired of their jobs? As an employer, you have to ask yourself these questions and more. You need to think about recruitment campaigns for example, or help your current employees be more productive and happier. Even conduct employee surveys and convert those into actions and making sure that everybody eventually leaves the organization as a brand ambassador. How do you get all of this done?

We’re convinced that you can achieve all these things if you know what drives your employees. We can help you with that. Through SparkeyConnect, SparkeyDevelop and SparkeySwitch we provide you with advice, custom research or inspiring masterclasses and together with you make sure every step in the employee journey is optimized.



You don't want to hire just anyone, but require a colleague who fits with the DNA of your organisation. Because if people recognise themselves in the company culture, they are more likely to feel happy, stay longer and contribute to your collective success.

So, for a job vacancy you are looking for someone with a certain vision on life and work. Many organisations then choose a general approach such as distributing their job vacancy to as many people as possible. That's a shame. Because you reach a lot of people, but the effect of this reach is limited.

We therefore believe in a differentiated approach. One that focuses on a small target group, that suits you and them perfectly. So you can really connect with the people you reach. HR communication is no different than marketing communication in this: who is your target group, what are their motives and how do you reach them?

Our WorkProfiler helps you find the target group that suits your organisation. With this tool, you know exactly what type of people work for you and what their motives and preferences are. You can then determine which profiles you want to appeal to with your campaigns, and which values you need to link up with a recruitment strategy.

Use SparkeyConnect for:

  • An effective employer branding strategy
  • Finding the perfect match between your organization and new talent
  • Developing of a successful HR campaign



Previously, satisfied employees where the best an organization could aim for. People did their work well and were happy to receive a fitting salary and a stable job in return.

However, times have changed. Satisfied employees aren’t enough anymore: employees want to find their passion, develop themselves and receive benefits such as a cinema membership or a sports budget. As an employer you also ask for more: an employee who shows ownership and gives just that little extra.

Both parties are looking for dedication and continuous progress. It is important for you as an employer to know how you can help people with this, and how your employees differ from each other in this aspect.

With SparkeyDevelop you can achieve the following:

  • Discover the values and preferences of your employees and adjust your policy accordingly through our WorkProfiler
  • Talk directly to your colleagues to find out which aspects of your HR-strategy they consider important and what could be improved.
  • Continuously measure employee motivation and satisfaction and, where necessary, take direct action through our employee survey via WorkMotiv.



Even when you work hard on company culture and spend time on finding talent that suits your business, it’s still possible that things don’t work out. For example, you cannot always prevent a high workload or absence due to illness. It is precisely then that it is important to have insight into the figures, and to know what is going on in the background.

On closer inspection, an employer may not fit within the organisation and may leave the company. This does not necessarily mean that the relationship is bad. You can even ensure that these people leave your organisation as ambassadors. Many young employees would like to gain a lot of new experiences at different organisations, so it is even more important to maintain that relationship and to learn about their opinions and thoughts about your company.

With SparkeySwitch you can:

  • Gain insight into absence due to illness, the reasons for this and what you can do about it.
  • Measure the workload per employee, team or company-wide and take appropriate measures with WorkMotiv
  • Ensure that your former employees leave as ambassadors, thus helping new talent to find you


Why Sparkey?

Through years of experience in the field of research, we know what drives employees and what employers want to achieve. We use customised research to solve customer-specific questions and offer concrete and sharp advice that you can work with immediately. We combine this with our knowledge of labour market trends, the differences between generations and our marketing expertise from Motivaction.

Would you like to know more about how Sparkey can help you with your HR-related questions? Please contact us.


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