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Job market

Data-driven job market research provides insight into which employees fit a successful organization. Together we work on the success of your employees.

Skilled and happy employees are essential for a successful organization. Job market research provides insight into which employees fit a successful organization, both for current and future employees. Targeted research brings out their talents and motivations and shows whether there is a match between your strategy and the needs of the employees.

We are happy to work with you on the success of your employees. We do this under our label Sparkey, where we believe that the spark between employer and employee is key to good employer-employee relationships.


What we do

We provide insights and advice on the following aspects:

  • Organizational change
  • Employer branding strategy and EVP
  • Employee satisfaction surveys
  • Insights into employees' motivations and talents
  • Regular data-driven research into job market trends


What we deliver

  • Input for sustainable employer-employee relationships
  • Vitality
  • Learning and development
  • Job satisfaction
  • Retention: how to keep the back door closed
  • Finding the right talent in a tight job market
  • Matching people who fit your organization
  • Reaching the target audience with the right campaign and communication
  • Insight into what is happening between employers and employees
  • Understanding the latest trends in the job market.

Ester Koot
Email Functie Senior strategy consultant HRM Telefoon +31 (0)20 589 82 36

Other expertises

International market research

Together with Glocalities, we have developed the international lifestyle survey, which gives us a rich database of values, lifestyles, trends, and culture.

Target group thinking

Your organisation achieves growth and success by tailoring the strategy to your target groups. We know which underlying motives, norms, and values explain their opinion and behaviour.


What does your target audience think about sustainability? We know how to effectively communicate with your target audience about sustainability.

Influencing Behaviour

Our experts offer concrete tools and tactics to steer the behaviour of your target group into the desired direction.
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