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Diversity and inclusion

Increase the reach and effect of your communication among specific target groups. Integrate the variety of backgrounds into your marketing strategy.

The Netherlands is a multicultural society: of the approximately 17.5 million Dutch people, more than almost 25 percent have a migration background. Bicultural Dutch people may have different consumption patterns and wishes than Dutch people without foreign origin. The perspectives may differ on government policy, nutrition, leisure activities, housing, health care and financial services.

Organizations regularly forget to take differences in preferences into account in their product or service, communication and marketing strategy. Whereas you can increase the reach and effect of campaigns among specific target groups if you pay attention to those target groups. Your organization can integrate the diversity of backgrounds into the marketing strategy and thus better connect with the diverse cultures and people of all Dutch people.


What we do

We have been carrying out research and consultancy projects with regard to underrepresented target groups for more than 20 years. With this knowledge and expertise, we have grown into the research and consultancy firm in the field of ethno marketing and diversity policy. We offer:

  • We strive to involve the target group we are researching. For example, we conduct research with the target group, instead of about it.
  • More insight into a very diverse group of citizens and consumers with our Etnomentality model. With take our inclusive panel to the streets and with that we also reach the smaller target groups.
  • Essential tools for reaching and including underrepresented target groups.
  • Insight into necessary adjustments of marketing strategies.


What do you get

  • Your organization can sell products or services to more people.
  • More inclusive products and services by tailoring them to the needs of the target groups.
  • Greater opportunities for recruitment with an inclusive hiring policy.
  • Positive contribution to society with a diverse and inclusive policy.
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André Kamphuis
Email Functie Senior Research ConsultantTelefoon +31 (0)20 589 82 66

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Diversity and inclusion

Increase the reach and effect of your communication among specific target groups. Integrate the variety of backgrounds into your marketing strategy.


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