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Flash Report: The global rich survey: divide between social and self-oriented rich

19 January 2016

On the eve of the 2016 Davos conference in Switzerland where leaders gather to improve the state of the world, Motivaction International presents a deep-dive analysis of the values, opinions and behaviors of 2,315 people with incomes in the top 5% from around the globe. The analysis is based on an extensive values survey among 48,041 people from 20 key economies.


The affluent share a success mindset and enjoy spending, put more trust in the free market system and have less trust in religion and trade unions. The report is unique in describing a strong divide within the rich subsegment of the population between the Social Rich and the Self-Oriented Rich. The Social Rich plea for smaller income differences, have less trust in banks and multinationals and say banks should invest in sustainability. The Self-Oriented Rich are critical about more income equality, trust banks and multinationals more than the Social Rich and are more fatalistic and materialistic in their outlook on life. The Self-Oriented Rich live in a ‘’Rich bubble’’, whereas the Social Rich who are more empathic and connected to what is happening in the outside world. Mark Zuckerberg, who is an influential icon for many people from the Self-Oriented Rich segment, sets an interesting ‘’crossover’’ example between both rich subsegments by launching the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative.

Download the flash report: The global rich survey: divide between social and self-oriented rich.


The rich divide



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